Uzbekistan`s GDP hits 407.5 trillion in 2018/
According to the State Statistics Committee, the GDP rose 5.1% in real terms, with the deflator index at 128.1%.
The economy grew; gross value added stood at 88.8% of the GDP and was up 5.1%. Taxes on products accounted for the remaining 11.2% and showed a 5.5% growth.
Industry was the main contributor to the GDP, rising 10.6% since 2017, thanks to increases in values added in mining (28.2%), processing (6.4%), and other industry sectors (4.7%).
Services added 1.8%, reporting a 5.4% increase in value added. Trade (including vehicle repair) grew 4.4%, food 4.5%, shipping and warehousing 3.7%, ICT 15.3%, and others 5.4%.
Construction grew 9.9%, with 0.5% in input.
Agriculture, forestry and fisheries showed 0.3% in increase, with a 0.1% contribution to the GDP.