The Presidential Decree "On the organization of the Ministry of Economy and Industry of the Republic of Uzbekistan" was adopted.
According to the document, it is compulsory for legal entities with a state share of 50% or more to annually announce a list of material and technical resources for economic activity in the next year up to December 1 on the state procurement portal.
From January 1, 2020, the responsibility for compliance with the public procurement legislation will be assigned to the governing bodies, and the public procurement orders and import contracts will not be subject to expert examination at the "Centre for Complex Expert Examination of Projects and Import Contracts".
From February 1, 2019, technical assignments for public procurement will be submitted to the Centre for export examination.
Contracts, import contracts and their additional agreements will not be subject to mandatory examination and registration at the Centre.
According to the decree, the state customer will pay 0.1% of the established value, but not more than 100 times minimum monthly wage for a complex examination.
The document also approved the Charter of the Ministry of Economy and Industry.
In accordance with the Charter, the Ministry is the competent authority for the advancement and implementation of the state policy in the field of socio-economic and industrial development of the country, as well as the strategy of investment policy.