Кokand city to host International handicrafters festival.
The decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated November 1, 2018 foresees the International handicrafters festival in Kokand city.
The event is aimed at studying and promoting ancient history and culture of Uzbek nation. The event also intends to introduce the craftsmanship of Uzbekistan to the masses and strengthen the cultural ties between the nations of the world.
The event is expected to take place on a regular basis once or twice a year. Scriptwriters, directors, artists, famous writers, poets, craftsmen as well as young artists are coming together to organize a high level event.
From September 10 to 15, the main square of Kokand city will be decorated with art expositions, movies, documentaries, books, albums and photographs. Guests of the festival will have a chance to try themselves in craftsmanship during the workshops, witness the national dress show, performances of satirists-comedians and ropewalkers. The festival will also host scientific-practical conference on the theme “Prospects for the development of handicraft and folk applied art”.
Festival has already been included to the calendar of tourism events of the State Committee of Uzbekistan for Tourism Development. “Hunarmand” association and Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Uzbekistan have developed the website handicrafters.uz that provides detailed information on the upcoming International handicrafters festival.